Aug 2, 2009
For the month of August 2009 is providing free access to the 1930 census images. To get the free access just go to and register with your email address.
Genealogy Insider Blog by Diane Haddad at Family Tree Magazine. National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections (NUCMUC) is celebrating it's 50th year.
National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections is a free Library of Congress program. Information about the manuscript collections of participating US libraries is being entered into the WorldCat library catalog search engine.
Family History: Genealogy Made
Episode 38 - Features the
Footnote Maven
Randy Seaver's article on the Genea-musings blog
Footnote Maven's post about the episode
Episode 39 of the Family History podcast features the very gifted writer Denise Levenick who write the Family Curator blog, and also has an alter ego known as Penny Dreadful who writes occasionally for the Footnote Maven's Shades of the Departed blog.
And you get two bloggers in this episode because it also features my interview with Schelly Talalay Dardashti who writes the Tracing the Tribe blog on Jewish genealogy.
Both these ladies are very experienced bloggers and will give you great tips on blogging, including dispelling the myth that you have to be technically inclined to blog!
Google Books:
Read Lisa's blog post on the
So what do you think about this? Have you published your family history? Does it matter to you who owns the digital rights to your work? I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Email Lisa or call the voice mail line at 925 272-4021 to have your thoughts included on the show.
GEM: Profile America
August 1 - First
US Census
GEM: Tony Burroughs
Burroughs is an internationally known genealogist, author,
and former adjunct genealogy professor at Chicago State University.
He lectures throughout the United States and Canada on all aspects
of genealogy.
He is the author of the book Black Roots: A Beginners Guide to Tracing the African American Family Tree published by the Fireside Division of Simon & Schuster and I recently had a chance to sit down and talk with Tony about his work and his approach to the research process.
Tony was so much fun to talk to and has so much knowledge about such a variety of subjects. If you'd like to see my interview with Tony that was filmed at the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree you can view it in it's entirety at the Genealogy Gems YouTube Channel.
GEM: My Mother Was A Quilter by Lee
Lee's Website his FamHist Blog and his Lineagekeeper blog
GEM: Profile America
August 2 - The
First News Reel
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Gems e-Newsletter:
To stay up on everything
going on at Genealogy Gems be sure and sign up for the free
e-newsletter. Just go to the website and click the Sign up button
in the column on the left and when you do that youâll get the
20 page e-book on Google Research strategies as a thank you
See Lisa in person:
Family History Expo
Sandy, Utah just outside Salt Lake City
August 28 & 29, 2009
Email Lisa with your questions and comments