Apr 12, 2009
Published April 12, 2009
Family History: Genealogy Made Easy podcast episode 23
The Genealogical Proof Standard is a tool that the pros use and I really want to encourage all researchers professional or not, to follow it as well because it causes you to stop and think before passing on information. In episode 23 I'm providing you with a free downloadable research worksheet that incorporates the elements of the GPS while prompting you to find and even more importantly document those sources.
NEWS: In March Ancestry reported that they added or updated more than 775 databases and or book titles on Ancestry.com. That's an average of more than 35 titles each weekday.
New and Updated Content and Web Site Improvements at Ancestry are covered.
MAILBOX: Listener Question regarding Family Tree Maker 2009 Platinum Edition.
"I have at least one instance in my husband's tree where two first cousins married. This, of course means that some of the tree overlaps itself. I can not get the FTM software to recognize that the people are the same-Do you or any of your listeners know if I am just missing something or can it not be done?"
If you have an answer to this dilemma please email me at or call in and leave the answer on the voicemail line to be played on the next episode at (925) 272-4021
GEM: Interview with Tukufu
By now you have probably heard that the Southern California
Genealogical Society is holding their annual Jamboree
on June 26 through the 28. But what you may not know
is that there's a lot more to the Jamboree than just great classes
and the exhibitors. For example, at the Friday night banquet
they have arranged for a very special keynote speaker - and I'm
really excited to have him on the show with me today. You
know his as one of the sleuths on the PBS series
Detectives, Tukufu Zuberi.
Dr. Tukufu Zuberi is an important academic voice. He is the Lasry Family Professor of Race Relations, Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology, and the Faculty Associate Director of the Center for Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania
He is best recognized for his research on African and American society, and for developing and expanding the Africana Studies program at the University of Pennsylvania
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