Dec 10, 2011
Published Dec 10, 2011
This Sha Sha has been busily working to finish making Davy’s birthday present since his big birthday number 2 is coming up on Dec. 15. In Genealogy Gems Podcast episode #119 I told how I decided to make Davy a Blues Clues card table playhouse. You remember throwing a blanket over a card table when you were a kid and it became a play house on a rainy day, right? Well this one was a bit challenging because there is no pattern for a Blue’s Clues playhouse so I just made it up as I went along. But thanks to the Internet and my trusty iPad I was able to come up with something that looks pretty close to the real deal.
Here are a few snapshots of the playhouse. And it doesn’t just look like Blue’s house from the outside, but I lined the panels with fabric that looks like the wallpaper in her house, and even sewed some features in felt like the table and telephone and the framed picture of the felt people on the wall.
You know to me what we are doing today with our kids and grand kids and in some cases great grand kids is just as important as researching our family history – in fact it’s more important! Creating memories with our loved ones is creating family history right now. And to me there’s nothing more important than that.
Get your free audio book and over 40,000 audio book titles to choose from at Audible:
Genealogy Gems Premium Members have been enjoying episodes on the Premium podcast lately covering how to use the iPad and other tablets out there in the marketplace for our family history.
New Ancestry App Updates has a
popular free app that lets you take your family tree
with you on your iPad. The newest version of the app now
includes the shakey Leaf Hints that you also see on their
website. Plus there is a simple merge tool that helps you
quickly add new relatives and information to your family
tree. It also allows you to automatically adds information to
photos, allows you to change your tree privacy settings, adds an
integrated user feedback support feature, and is faster and more
stable than previous versions.
New Free Podcasts by National Archives Records Administration in iTunes U
World War II in the News video podcast features WWII news reels
Irish Records: has recently announced that they have launched
exclusive access to the Irish Prison Registers 1790-1920. The
collection is made up of over 3.5 million entries across 130,000
New Library and Archives Canada Blog:
Provides useful tips and recommend tools to help you discover your
documentary heritage and navigate the LAC website.
Lisa’s Book Featured in Online
The Genealogist’s Google
Toolbox was featured in the most recent issue of Shelf Unbound magazine. (p.40) A big thank you to all of you who
have bought the book because those purchases I think helped bring
it to the attention of a non-genealogy publication!
My Presentation Schedule for 2012
Feb 2 – 4
RootsTech 2012, Salt Lake City, UT
We’ll be celebrating the 5 year anniversary of The Genealogy Gems Podcast!
FamilySearch has just announced that the RootsTech 2012 Developer Challenge contest. RootsTech will reward developers who introduce the most innovative new concepts to family history with $10,000 in cash rewards and increased visibility.
Feb 24-26 - Who Do You Think You Are Live! In London.
Presenting Harness the Power of Google Earth for Your Family History and Google Search Strategies for the Family Historian. And I am very excited to have been invited to be part of a very special panel discussion on using technology for genealogy as well.
March 3 Utah Genealogical Assocation Family History Fair in Bountiful, Utah
March 10 Full day seminar at the Family History Society of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ
April 12 – 14 Ohio Genealogical Society Confedrence, Cleveland, OH
April 28 Full day seminar at the San Mateo Genealogical Society, San Mateo, CA
May 5 San Luis Obispo Genealogical Society, San Luis Obispo, CA
May 9 – 12 National Genealogical Society Conference, Cincinnati, OH
I’ll be there not only debuting some brand new presentations, but you will also find me at my booth in the exhibit hall so be sure and come on by and say hi.
June 1 – 3 Ontario Genealogical Society Conference in Kinston, Ontario Canada.
The new version 5 of RootsMagic now offers us a Timeline
view. Now we can really put a person’s life in context with
events from their own life and from the lives of family members.
But the awesomeness doesn’t stop there. They have added even more
customer requested features: a research manager which lets you
create and track unlimited research logs, the ability to filter the
people view, as well as enhancements to multimedia, sources, to-do
lists, and much more. There's a little something for
See the free demo of the new features in RootsMagic 5 at RootsMagic
Webinar page
called "What's New in RootsMagic 5".
A Genealogy Newbies:
It’s amazing to me that the podcast is about to celebrate it’s 5th
birthday, and I know many of you have been listening for almost
that long. But it’s also so rewarding to know that there are
new folks coming on board all the time. Not just to the
podcast, but also just discovering the joy of family history.
Newbies Eric and David wrote in about their experience.
Eric says “I'm still fairly new to genealogy, only getting started after last New Years and have to say your podcasts have helped a lot (and are always entertaining). Thank you!
Your newest premium member, Eric”
David in Australia writes: “Thank you for making this kind of information available to everyone, it shows a truly kind nature in a person who wants to share their experiences and I have found this the trait of most people I encounter who are into genealogy. You have done a wonderful job and I love it all.”
Dan in North Carolina wrote in to say he is also Enjoying the
Show .
"have been enjoying your podcasts for a while now. This summer I
took on a project to write a book about my father."
Linda in Sweden and Line in Denmark wrote in about a Swedish TV show
Everything for Sweden
Trailer and other clips on the webiste
On Facebook
Guy Interview on a Swedish Morning Program Se klippet ur Go'kväll
Line says: “I recently stumbled over one of your Podcasts, and after listening to just a few episodes I was hooked. I listen to them every day at work. Some times even twice. Extra benefit: I´m shaping up my english! While waiting for the next episode, I always listen to older episodes.”
Jennifer in Napa, CA wrote in about the new ordering system at the Family History Center branch libraries.
“As of August 23, the U.S. West and Northwest have been added to the areas already using this system. You can now place an order for films online, instead of having to make a trip to the library just to place an order.”
Online Film Ordering System now Available in Selected Areas (blog post)
GEM: Taking Family History to Young and Old in the Community
Interview with Merv Scott, Project Director, Victoria Genealogical Society
Who's in Your Family Tree?
Ask Granny
Fore more information email the VGS Project
Visit the VGS Programs page at the Victoria Genealogical Society website
Victoria BC Genealogical Society “Ask Granny”© founders Judy
Russell and Greg Crane are pleased to announce that the Victoria
Genealogical Society of Victoria, BC, Canada, has been named “Ask
Granny”© chapter of the year. The project group, led by
Merv Scott, has not only worked to revise our “Ask
Granny”©materials for Canadian spelling and usage, he has
graciously offered to share those files with others in
Canada. Merv reports that their calendar is filled up
through Spring of 2012 with “Granny” session in local retirement
Your Life in 5 Minutes (Part 3) with Sunny Morton
Get Sunny's book Your Life & Times: A Guided Journal for
Collecting Your Stories by clicking this link: My Life & Times
Profile America: Christmas Lights