Aug 6, 2011
Published August 6, 2011
In this episode you're going to learn the details that go into planning a trip to your ancestor's homeland.
Read Jenna’s blog post called
Monday Midwest Family history Expo posted on 8/1/11.
GEM: More Online Newspapers
This week the Library of Congress updated Chronicling America to
include newspapers from 3 new states added to the program in 2010
and additional coverage for 1836-1859. New Mexico, Tennessee and
Vermont are now included with 22 other states and the District of
Columbia in Chronicling America's almost 4 million pages of
historic newspaper pages, published between 1836 and 1922. So
you can start searching at
Swedish Genealogical Society of Colorado is going to host the
SwedGenTour 2011 September 17, 2011
8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Aurora, Colorado. You can register at the
SGSC website
Genealogy Gems Podcast App Users are getting a special bonus
with this episode. Swedish Researcher Yvonne
Hendrickson has graciously provided a a terrific pdf file called
How to Find Your Swedish Roots.
Get the app for the iPhone &
Get the app for the Android
GEM: Railway Records has partnered with the UK’s National
Archives to launch the Railway Employment Records, 1833 – 1963, an
online collection containing the employment-related records of
British railway workers dating back to the invention of the
locomotive in the early 19th century. The records date from 1833
and by the middle of the 20th century.
FamilySearch recently announced that they have
digitized historic records from eight countries and added them to In addition to 1.8 million new U.S.
records, collections from seven other countries were added
including Canada, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Mexico,
Philippines, and Poland.
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) announced on July
27, 2011 awards totaling $3.8 million to 13 institutions
representing their states in the National Digital Newspaper Program
(NDNP). These means there will be new digitized historic
newspapers coming to the free Chronicling America section of the Library of
Congress website in mid-2012.
Your chance to help bring the 1812 records
Indiana Genealogical Society - You can find out more about the
IGS $10,000 Match
Challenge .Thanks for a wonderful podcast
and all your genealogy gems! Visit Tina’s Blog:
New Video Cast on YouTube on UK News
Genealogy Gems video channel at YouTube packed with
over 50 family history related videos.
Nick Barratt and Laura Berry of Your Family History magazine out of
the UK at They have
created a new YouTube video channel called appopriately enough
Family History Show.
RootsMagic questions so I went right to the source Bruce
Buzbee, founder of RootsMagic and he’s got the answers.
“Would I create a "land" fact in the entry for my great-grandfather, and just describe the land in it? Thanks again for your terrific podcasts. I just started listening to the Family Tree podcasts, and am excited to start using the tips shared in those episodes as well.”
Bruce recommends adding a "Property" fact type (which is one of the fact types built into RM and which is officially supported in GEDCOM). You can use the date field to show the time period the land was owned, and can use the note to enter any description of the land.
Then he recommends using the various documents as sources for that fact type. When you are adding a new source to RM, you can type "land" into the "Search for source type" field on the "Select Source Type" screen to filter the list of source types down to ones relating to land records.
Kai has a question about image and source citations. "I've always attached source media to events/facts and now I'm wondering whether there's any point in going through and removing every media item from the individual events/facts and instead attaching it to the relevant source. Since sharing events between people is so easy, I haven't seen much point in doing it before now.” Bruce says there probably isn't a compelling reason right now to move existing images from events to sources or citations. There may be in the future, but we would also work to make it easier to do that at that time.
Kai’s second question is “I'm wondering whether you record your negative research (i.e. searched particular resource, nothing found) within RM." Bruce says "RootsMagic allows you to add facts (of any type... birth, marriage, death, etc) and set the "Proof" for that fact to "Disputed" or "Proven false". It then draw that fact on screen with a redline through it.
Second, when entering a source citation, you can enter the "Quality", which follows the BCG standard and allows you to set the "Evidence" to negative. However, that doesn't mean the source is wrong. It means that the source didn't contain the information you expected to find in it.”
And finally Kate wrote in asking for help with migrating from Family Tree Maker to RootsMagic and found a great help guide right on the RootsMagic web site.
Free webinars including Lisa’s at RootsMagic.
GEM: Preparing for a visit to the National Archives
Here are Lisa’s tips for preparing for a research visit:
1. National Archives in the UK video series called Quick Animated Guide
2. Do a Google search by file type
SEARCH: National Archives Genealogy Research .ppt
Beginning Your Genealogical
Research at the National Archives powerpoint
3. Check out Lisa’s interviews with Margery Bell of the Family
History Centers which are full of great ideas for preparing for a
research trip, regardless of whether it is to the National Archives
or the Family History Library.
Family History: Genealogy Made
Easy episodes 17, 18 & 19
Genealogy has no borders!
Keith in the UK sent me one of those recently through
Google+. He writes: “I've only just started listening to your
podcasts, and think they're brilliant! I like the fact that you
cover off places outside of the US as well, as its hard to find a
good UK podcast. Keep up the great work”
British Home children Follow up
Bill wrote in recently to share his connection to a recent
episode: “I love your podcasts! Episode 111 featuring a gem
on British Home Children touched my heart especially. My mother's
father was one of the Britsh Home Children.”
During my stay with them in England, Mom's cousin said that she thought that my grandfather Richard Ing had come to Canada as one of the Barnardo Home children, mentioning that she and her husband knew some of the Bernardo family personally. I said that I had never heard of him coming out with Barnardo Homes. Much later, I discovered that she was right about him being one of the British Home Children!
You can read more from Bill about his Ing family at his genealogy blog at blog:
GEM: How to Travel to Your Ancestor's Homeland
Kathy Wurth
About Family Tree Tours:
“No family tree research is complete until you experience the place your family came from,” says Kathy Wurth, owner of Family Tree Tours. “There’s no feeling more exhilarating than walking the streets your ancestors walked. Even if you don’t know your hometown, our European Heritage professionals help you paint the picture of your ancestors’ lives. Our new website helps us make your research come alive.”