Oct 20, 2008
Published Oct 20, 2008
October is Family History Month
Lisa with her prized pumpkin
Genealogy Gems Halloween Greetings
Halloween Haunts Podcast by WHRO FM radio: Stories based on ghostly legends and lore of Hampton Roads, Virginia. Thanks to my friend Michelle Gabriele-Harrell producer off the Halloween Haunts podcast.
In iTunes:
Halloween Haunts 2006 Audio Podcast
Series and the 2008 series Halloween Haunts Fright
Bytes Video Podcast in iTunes
iGoogle Update
iGoogle has been
WorldCat: I also wrote a blog recently called Getting the Most Out of WorldCat and I wanted to mention that there is going to be a Free seminar Oct 28 at 2PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific online sponsored by WorldCat so I'll have a link to that posting so you can read all about it.
MAILBOX: Kerry Steward called in
about some comments I made on Genealogy Gems podcast Episode
#40. Here are two articles about Henrietta Pruisner Tesch and
Katherine Tesch Rugg's families.
"Somewhat of a Record" and
"Homer Woman Has Given Birth to 15
GEM: Profile America - Oct. 13 Navy Month
"Hit hard, hit fast, hit often" Admiral "Bull" Halsey (above)
GEM: Interview with Yvette Arts, Director of Content Partnerships at World Vital Records
Update: World Vital Records is now part of MyHeritage.com
Strategies for getting the most out of World Vital Records from Yvette Arts:
First-time users/browsing: Perform a Basic Search. You'll get the largest search results by just searching by last name. Look over the results to narrow down all the possibilities. Try adding first name next. Some combinations of first and last names are more difficult to find exact matches for than others (e.g., John Smith). But if you have an unusual name like Jared Quackenbush the search will only return a few results.
Next, if you know the location enter a full state name in the Place search. There are some results in their databases, such as for Google Books, that may not come up via the geographic.
Don't forget to try alternative spelling for a surname.
Additional Search Tips: Entering a date is best when you only give a year. If you already know a lot about an ancestor and now want to know specific information, try the Advanced Search. Use broad search terms, not an exact year of birth. Although you may know this information, mistakes may have been made in a document, or a first name may be abbreviated (e.g., Geo* is a good search term for George or J* may bring up a John that is otherwise listed as Jn). Excluding a source from a search because you have exact knowledge about an ancestor could lead to less accurate search results.
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GEM: Profile America - Oct 24 is the anniversary of Chips the U.S. War Dog being awared the Distinguished Service Medal
Interview with Mary Ann Whitley who's father
Herson Lamont Whitley served with Chips the US War Dog
A Dog Called Chips by Mary Ann Whitley at the U.S. War Dogs Website
GEM: The MacGenealogist - In today's MacGenealogist Minute with Ben Sayer, Ben's continues his reviews of Genealogy software for the Macintosh computer with a review of iFamily for Leopard.
GEM: Name That Tune - I need your help. Several months ago I received a reel to reel tape that was recorded by my husband's Grandfather and Grandmother Cooke. I'm going to play one song on each episode in the hopes that one of you dear listener's will recognize the tune and email me with the name. Or leave a voice mail at 925-272-4021. Thanks!
Support the Show: With the holidays approaching thereâs a wonderful way for you to do your online shopping while supporting this show. By accessing websites like Amazon.com through the links on the Genealogy Gems homepage and through the website, Amazon gives The Genealogy Gems Podcast credit for your purchases. It doesn't cost you anything more, but by using the links on our website, you do a lot to help keep the free Genealogy Gems Podcast coming. Thank you!
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